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Autor Wiadomość
Joanna Popińska

Dołączył: 22 Paź 2006
Posty: 119
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Pomógł: 10 razy
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Skąd: Łódź

PostWysłany: Pią 14:21, 08 Lut 2008    Temat postu: Podstawy

Cytat ze strony [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]

CISV to niezależna, międzynarodowa organizacja typu non-profit, oferująca różnorodne programy edukacyjne dla dzieci i młodzieży. Dzięki zaangażowaniu tysięcy wolontariuszy z ponad 60 krajów świata, CISV pracuje na rzecz pokoju od ponad 50 lat! Działania organizacji skupiają się na promowaniu porozumień ponad podziałami kulturowymi, budowaniu silnych więzi między członkami różnych społeczności. CISV to wielokulturowa sieć współpracy młodzieży, dzieci i ich rodzin. To niezwykły model międzynarodowego dialogu i kooperacji.

CISV zyskała uznanie wielu ośrodków badawczych i uniwersyteckich oraz międzynarodowych organizacji- ma status obserwatora przy ONZ i Council of Europe, od lat współpracuje z UNESCO (inicjując nowe programy). Pomysłodawczyni i założycielka CISV - Dr. Doris Allen była nominowana do Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla w 1979 roku.
Doris Allen
W 1946 roku ta psycholożka z Uniwersytetu Cincinnati, przedstawiła swój plan pracy na rzecz pokoju na świecie. Udało jej się dowieść, że praca z dziećmi i odpowiednia edukacja najmłodszych pozwoli wykształcić w nich postawy wolne od stereotypów i uprzedzeń. Te plany zaczęły się realizować w 1951 roku, gdy zorganizowano pierwszy międzynarodowy program CISV - VILLAGE, do dziś pozostającą jednym z podstawowych programów CISV.

CISV dzisiaj to:
Nie jeden a sześć międzynarodowych programów dla różnych grup wiekowych, odbywających się głównie latem:
* village (11 lat)
* interchange (12-15)
* international summer camp (13-15)
* seminar camp (17-1Cool
* international youth meeting (11-19+)
* international people's project (19+)
* programy lokalne dla wszystkich grup wiekowych przez cały rok: Junior Branch i Local Work
* rocznie ponad 180 międzynarodowych spotkań dla różnych grup wiekowych
* rocznie ok. 7 000 uczestników międzynarodowych spotkań
* łącznie ponad 177 000 uczestników w programach międzynarodowych
* w sumie prawie 4700 międzynarodowych spotkań
* tysiące uczestników w programach lokalnych

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Autor Wiadomość
Joanna Popińska

Dołączył: 22 Paź 2006
Posty: 119
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Pomógł: 10 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Łódź

PostWysłany: Pią 14:29, 08 Lut 2008    Temat postu: Programy CISV (cytat ze strony

We are a global community of dedicated volunteers, creating opportunities for all ages to experience the excitement and enrichment of cultural diversity through our educational programmes. We are founded on our belief that peace is possible through friendship - and that the real difference can be made by starting with children.

CISV provides a range of unique, education group activities, which develop cross-cultural understanding in children, youth and adults from around the world. By encouraging respect for cultural difference and the development of self-awareness, CISV empowers each participant to incorporate these values into their lives as they become global citizens and strive for a more peaceful world.

The building blocks of global friendship

At CISV we believe in building global friendship, starting with children. But that's not where it stops. While the Village programme, for 11 year olds, is the cornerstone of our educational philosophy, it's just the first building block. We also offer a range of multicultural experiences to youth and adults, providing the opportunity to experience the CISV philosophy and live our values. Find out more about our exciting and diverse activities:

Programme Age group
Village 11
Interchange 12-15
Summer Camp 13-15
Seminar Camp 17-18
Youth Meeting 12-19+
International People's Project 19+
Mosaic All ages
Junior Branch 11-25

CISV Chapters around the world host a range of programmes for different age groups. We try to ensure that quality and general content are similar, no matter where the activity takes place. CISV also endeavours to keep participation fees as low as possible. There are opportunities to learn at the local, regional and international level. Participation begins at local CISV Chapter level, where members have the opportunity to apply for international experiences. We have six unique international programmes starting with children from age 11. There are many additional opportunities for involvement for other age groups in these programmes – ranging from Junior Counsellors to adult Leaders.

There are also many exciting volunteering opportunities for adults and youth >>

2006 Statistics
51 Villages
72 Interchanges
23 Summer Camps
16 Seminar Camps
15 Youth Meetings
5 International People's Projects
1 Annual International Meeting
1 International Junior Branch Conference

In total, 7,260 people participated in 184 CISV international programmes and meetings in 2006.


1. Village

The Village is a unique four week international camp that was the original CISV programme and is still its flagship. Delegates to this multilingual and multicultural experience participate in a mix of educational, cultural and sporting activities, which emphasise cooperative global and intercultural living.

Age 11

Duration 28 Days

Size of group Delegations from 10 - 12 countries. Each delegation comprises 2 boys and 2 girls with an adult leader (age 21+). The camp is coordinated by an adult staff supported by Junior Counsellors (age 16 - 17)

2. Interchange

While based on the same educational principles as CISV’s camp based programmes, Interchange encourages a deeper encounter between two cultures by placing young people within families. Group activities such as a mini-camp are vital in complementing the intense in-depth family experience. Interchange takes place in two phases with one delegation visiting another country and then reciprocating by hosting the delegation from the country they visited. Not only is this a profound intercultural experience for the youth participant, but it also engages the whole family, and potentially the community in which they live, in the CISV experience.

Age 12 - 15

Duration 14 - 28 days per phase (phases can be consecutive or take place up to a year apart)

Size of group Delegations come from 2 countries and comprise 6 - 12 youth accompanied by an adult leader (age 21+)

3. Summer Camp

Building leadership skills

Aimed at young teens, the Summer Camp encourages participants to take responsibility for leadership and programme planning. Each camp focuses on a specific educational theme. Participants work together to plan activities and discussions which build on the chosen theme.

Age 13 - 15

Duration 23 Days

Size of group Delegations come from 6 or 9 countries and are comprised of 4 - 6 youths, equally divided between girls and boys, who are accompanied by an adult Leader (age 21+). The camp is coordinated by an adult staff.

4. Seminar Camp

A dialogue for global friendship

This personally challenging, intensive programme is facilitated by participants. Participants develop their own themes and agenda to explore issues and form opinions about individual, international and multicultural matters, within a framework which stresses positive conflict resolution. Seminar Camp fosters interest in the world as a whole and develops a sense of responsibility for its peaceful survival.

Age 17 - 18

Duration 21 Days

Size of group 30 participants plus international adult staff

5. Youth meeting

Building skills and regional capacity

The short regional camps feature individual themes that allow young people to explore intercultural issues in a regional context. The programme reinforces core CISV values, builds leadership and organizational skills, while promoting continued CISV involvement.

Age 12 - 19+

Duration 8 or 15 Days

Size of group Approximately 25 - 35 participants plus staff. People under 16 travel in delegations with an adult leader (age 21+)

6. Mosaic

Building partnerships with local communities

Local communities are microcosms of the global context. CISV’s local programmes use the same principles as its international programmes to connect people in a meaningful way with their local communities.

Mosaic is a project based programme which empowers individuals and chapters to be agents of change, reach out, and involve as many people as possible. Each project is a separate CISV experience that relates to a local need and interest and involves a different target group. It does not have to be in a camp setting, as with many CISV programmes, but is designed according to the needs and abilities of the CISV chapter. Using the three phase educational approach of discover, understand and create, local members develop projects in conjunction with like minded organizations or community groups. The aim is to create an authentic learning experience for participants and deliver a benefit to the wider community.

Age All ages

Duration Up to one year

Size of group No limits

7. International People's Project

Go out, find out, help out

This innovative programme is a way to learn while actively contributing to the community. In partnership with local organizations, delegates participate in hands-on work involving a specific theme or project, such as nature conservation or immigration. They also research the issue in their own countries and lead educational activities on the subject. Additional training may be provided by the partner or other experts in the field.

Age 19+

Duration 21 Days

Size of group Approximately 25 participants including staff

8. Junior Branch

Youth building social capital

The very heart and soul of CISV, Junior Branch comprises young local CISVers between the ages of 11 - 25, who develop intercultural and leadership skills through educational and social activities. Juniors manage their own activities and take an active role in the administrative responsibilities of their chapters. Operating through a network at the national and international level, Juniors organize their own programmes on a wide variety of themes, such as social justice and the environment. Junior Branch activities are aimed at building community, developing skills and promoting peace through education.

Age 11 - 25 (may vary from country to country)

Ongoing activities at the local, national, regional and international level

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Autor Wiadomość
Joanna Popińska

Dołączył: 22 Paź 2006
Posty: 119
Przeczytał: 0 tematów

Pomógł: 10 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Łódź

PostWysłany: Pią 14:35, 08 Lut 2008    Temat postu:

Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o CISV, polecam stronę Jest tam mnóstwo informacji zarówno o historii organizacji ( ), o konkretnych programach ( ), o działalności, jaką mogą podjąć Państwo w jej zakresie ( , [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] , [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] , [link widoczny dla zalogowanych] ).

W zakładce Internal Resources znajduje się mnóstwo dokumentów, przewodniki CISV (jak być liderem na obozie CISV generalnie czy na obozach określonego typu; jak przygotować obóz we własnym kraju etc.), informacje odnośnie prowadzonych przez CISV badań i wiele, wiele innych. Link do tego działu: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
U góry strony, która się wyświetli, znajduje się granatowa belka z kolejnymi odnośnikami, Guides (Przewodniki) czy Infofiles (Dokumenty).

W razie kłopotów z poruszaniem się po stronie, proszę śmiało pytać na forum.

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Ostatnio zmieniony przez Joanna Popińska dnia Pią 14:36, 08 Lut 2008, w całości zmieniany 2 razy
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